Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Today we have the cover reveal for Alicia Rae’s Boundless Fate and I am so excited to share it with you!!! Alicia is sharing an excerpt as well as a really fun giveaway, so make sure you check it all out!! :)   Title: Boundless Fate Author Name: Alicia Rae Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Day: March 24th BF Amazon Synopsis: Colton Kingston’s livelihood has been reduced to a pile of black ashes by a tragic act of arson. After sending away the woman he’s loved since the tender age of five, a dark hateful revenge threatens to overtake his heart. Colton knows pushing her away is the only way he can keep her safe. Paige Summer’s has endured her fair share of obstacles in the past, and refuses to give up on Colton and the life they share together. As interferences try to tear them apart, Paige is determined to stand by Colton’s side and remind him of their love and its strength. But at every turn, tragedy continues to strike and more devastation falls upon them. Will Colton and Paige’s love be boundless? Or will revenge conquer their fate? Add on Goodreads Exclusive Excerpt: I pulled off the main road of Paige’s home and slipped my truck into park. An overwhelming sense of relief filled me when I saw she’d made it home safely. All the lights were off, and nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Except the lonely ache I felt inside. I’d barely ate or slept in four days. But in this moment, I just wanted Paige, nothing else mattered. The thought of her sleeping alone in her bed without me combined with the desperate need to feel her body against mine had me slouching forward and resting my forehead against the steering wheel. I closed my eyes briefly, and muttered, “Don’t do it, idiot,” as I fought the impulse to go to her. I could practically feel her heart beating—her soul calling to mine—I was that connected to her. I was a starved man, yearning to have her in my arms. Before I was able to stop myself, I was striding across her front lawn, feeling an internal pull to be with her. I went around to the backside of the house and tapped on her window. While standing there my attention fell to the grass, and all of the reasons why this was a bad idea oppressed me. I shouldn’t be here. Staying away from Paige was the only way I could protect her. I couldn’t let Hank see how deeply mine and Paige’s love went for one another, or he could possibly take his animosity for me out on her. And if Hank hurt Paige in any way, it would be game over—there was no telling what I would do. She was my weakness and my strength all rolled into one, right around my heart. Just as I was about to walk away and let Paige be, a dim light flickered on. The white curtain covering the window pane was drawn to the side, and I lifted my gaze. Paige stood before me staring through the clear glass, dressed in a long white tee. The conflicting emotions in her beautifully brown eyes reflected the way I felt inside, and it caused my heart to thump unevenly. She lifted the window and then leaned forward while wrapping her fingers around the window frame, peering down at me. “Colton,” she breathed my name, and I was uncertain if it was meant as a greeting or a question. “Can I come in?” I queried, getting straight to the point before I came up with reasons to force myself to leave her be. “Yes.” She stepped aside. I braced my palms on the bottom ledge and hoisted myself upward. My right shoulder hit the window framing as the upper half of my body made it inside her room. I hadn’t crawled through this window in ages, but the damn thing seemed smaller. I lowered my feet to the ground and stood tall before briefly turning to close the window at my back. When I faced the room again, Paige was at the edge of her bed. She sat down and nestled herself under the comforter. When her eyes met mine, she grasped the corner of the blanket and lifted it as though a silent invitation. Without a single sound, I slipped off my boots and went to her. Once climbing in next to her, she let the comforter gradually fall over me and stretched over to the nightstand where she turned off the light. Then, she settled back down on her right hip, her back toward me. I could feel her hesitation as she tried to distance herself from me. To feel that kind of uncertainty pouring out of her was the same as someone cracking open my chest and grabbing ahold of my heart. But in truth, I couldn’t blame her for feeling this way, because it was my fault for being hot and cold all over the place. It wasn’t fair to her. Desperately craving her warmth and needing to know that we were okay even though it was wrong of me to do so, my arm came to the center of her stomach, and in slow motion, I hauled her into my chest. She didn’t fight me. I outstretched one arm above her head and rested my cheek on my bicep while scooting closer till my nose rested against her hair, so I could inhale the sweet scent of her. With my other hand still at her center, I began to methodically rub tiny circles on her abdomen with the pad of my thumb. Her breathing increased with every full loop. My eyes began to fall heavy with the weight of the last few days. I was so damn tired, but lying here with Paige—just like this—was all I ever wanted. “Colton?” she asked suddenly out of the blue. “Yeah?” Her hand came to my wrist and she caressed it softly. “What are you doing here?” Paige couldn’t have asked me a tougher question, and I bit back the defeat I felt inside. I didn’t hold the answer she was looking for. Instead, I made light of the situation, hoping to make her smile. “Sneaking in your window. Which shrunk drastically in size over the years, by the way.” A quiet laughter seeped out of her, and I found myself genuinely smiling for the first time in days. She rotated to face me and set her hand on my chest. “It didn’t shrink. You have—” She skimmed her palm across my chest up to my shoulder—“broadened, so you don’t fit through it as well as you used to.” “Maybe,” I grinned mischievously. In that instant, so many childhood reminiscences with Paige flashed through my mind, all of them filling my soul with sense of peace. As a teen, there had been countless nights where I longed to see her so I’d go to her house and knock on her window. Paige would come outside, and we would lay in the grass for hours, watching the stars. Even in the midst of my darkest days, those memories could bring a smile to my face. It was her that kept me going. An unexplainable calm tranquility settled over me at having Paige’s body pressed against mine. She gave me hope I’d find myself again, and she made me believe someday I could let go of the hate and revenge I carried inside of me. A profound tiredness took over me from the build-up of the past several happenings, and I was losing the will power to keep my eyes open. Paige rose her hand to touch my cheek, caressing it. Her skin was so soft. “Colton?” she repeated my name, softer this time. I gazed down at her. “Yeah?” The movement of my thumb paused on her stomach from the intensity burning in her eyes. “You know that’s not the answer I was looking for…” “No, it wasn’t,” I agreed, knowing she deserved an honest explanation. “I don’t know why I’m here, only that I didn’t have the strength to stay away, so please, just let me hold you.” “Okay.” She set her finger on my lower lip and gently ran it back and forth. Then, she leaned in and softly kissed the corner of my mouth. “Goodnight, cowboy.” “Night,” was all I had time to say before sleep carried me away.   About Alicia Rae: FFG_0682Alicia Rae is a Contemporary Romance Author who lives in Dekalb, Illinois, with her husband and three beautiful boys. Alicia has a passion for reading all types of romance, writing to bring a story to life, and photography. Thank you to my dear sister, Kels, who showed me a few years ago how much I truly missed reading. And to my loving husband, for not throwing away my Nook, and planting the seed of writing in my mind. I am forever grateful. Xo Readers, words cannot thank you enough for supporting me along this incredible journey. I hope you enjoy my novels as much as I do writing them. I thank each and every one of you. Believe in yourself and follow your dreams... Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Author Goodreads Enter Alicia’s giveaway!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

“You gonna sit down or what?”
I sit down. Arguing with him would be futile. We sit there, side by side, staring off down the arrow-straight road, and for a moment I don’t hate him. He pulls a cell phone out of his pocket and taps something into it, and then he turns to face me, frowning slightly.
“You believe in vengeance?”
“You mean like revenge?”
He shakes his head. “Revenge is a selfish act. Retaliation for something. Vengeance is a different thing altogether. It’s about obtaining justice, usually for someone who can’t claim it for themselves.”
This is an odd line of questioning but I decide I’ll bite. Maybe I wouldn’t if he were being a jerk like he was a couple of hours ago, but that’s not what’s happening. He’s pensive, the live wire that apparently runs through him dulled for the moment. “I don’t know,” I say. “Probably, in that case.”
“What if I simplified the question?
What if I say, do you believe in justice?
“Then, yes, I do believe.”

 “You think you use your brain when you’re having sex?”


Rebel’s pen freezes on the paper. He turns, then, towering over me, my face level with his belt buckle. It’s as though I can literally feel the heat rolling off his body. He’s intimidating and overwhelming, his presence a powerful force to be reckoned with.


“Oh, Sophia. I use my brain. Every time I sleep with a woman, I’m using my head to figure out what she likes. How she likes it. What I can do to have her screaming my name until her throat’s raw.”


          “It’s time for you to tell me your name.” She arches an eyebrow at me. I can just imagine her getting them waxed in some fancy fucking boutique beauty parlor in Seattle, run by Asian hipsters with shaved undercuts and thick glasses. She seems like the type. “Why do you want to know?” she asks, cockiness filling her voice.

“I’m asking because I need something to call you. And if you don’t tell me your name, I’m going to be forced to call you One Eighty-One. And I’m guessing you won’t like being called One Eighty-One.”

“Why would you call me that?”

“Because that’s the reference Hector Ramirez gave you when you uploaded your picture onto his skin site. Hector tags his girls chronologically. The first girl he sold was number one. The fifty-third girl he sold was tagged fifty-three. Using that logic, guess how many girls he sold before he tagged you one eight one?”

“So a hundred and eighty other women came before me?” She looks like she’s going to throw up.

“Exactly. And he hasn’t been caught. The police haven’t raided his place out there in the desert. No one has reported his website. No one came to rescue the one hundred and eighty other girls who came before you, and no one is coming for you, either. So if you want reminding of that every single time I call you one eight—“

 “Sophia!” She screws her eyes shut, clenching her jaw. “My name is fucking Sophia, motherfucker.” She spits out the words like they’re poison. When she looks at me again, I can see the fury burning in the dark depths of her dark brown eyes. She comes alive when she’s angry. A thrill of adrenalin stabs through me, sending mixed signals to my cock; provoking such a violent reaction from her is provoking an entirely different reaction from me. For the first time, I see her. Fucking Sophia. I don’t see her as a means to an end—a potential way to take down the bastard who killed my uncle. I see her. I see her as a woman, and she is beautiful.

“Alright, Sophia. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Rebel and Sophia's story.
The first of a three part series. This novel contains a small snippet which has already been released in the Owned: An Alpha Anthology, however it is followed by a full story installment.
Sometimes, you don't mean to become another person. Sometimes the choice is made for you, and pretending is the only thing that keeps you going. When Alexis Romera is taken and her kidnappers find her fake ID in her purse, she must become Sophia in order to keep her family safe. Revealing her real identity to the man she's sold to would be easy enough, but can she trust him? Hell bent on revenging the murder of his uncle, Rebel doesn't seem all that interested in playing things safe.
In fact, nothing about the secretive, dark and brooding MC president seems safe at all.
What do you do when the man who raised you is murdered, and the only witness is kidnapped girl who's being sold as a sex slave? You buy her, of course. As president to the most powerful motorcycle club in America, Rebel isn't lacking in power. There are strings the man can pull, and entire criminal organisations and corporate businesses alike would fall to their knees. However, along with such power comes intense interest. The DEA have their eye fixed solely on the MC...and they're just waiting for Rebel to trip up.
Getting Sophia to testify is the only way to bring the Los Oscuros cartel down. The beautiful, dark haired, dark eyed woman is belligerent and uncooperative and unlikely to bend to his will, but Rebel has a few tricks up his sleeve to make her compliant--he'll charm her until she's bending over backwards to please him.
Of course, falling for her might cause a few hiccups along the way...


Callie has experienced many changes throughout her life, and gone through many ups and downs that have all worked towards shaping and molding her into the person she is today: fun loving, active, social, and hard working. The only thing that has remained a constant throughout her life is writing. Creating characters who will tear your conscience in two is a favorite pastime of Callie’s. There are few real saints and sinners in her books; more often, the denizens of her stories are all very human. Broken, flawed, and always with the potential for redemption.
Despite the subject matter being markedly hot and heavy in comparison to the stories she wrote in elementary school, there will always be an element of fairytale to her work.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

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Finally, Zac & Evie is here! Today is the official release day for Drawn to Fight: Zac & Evie and we’re so excited because you’re about to read an exclusive excerpt from the book!

What’s it about?  It’s a coming of age story about learning that you can’t control everything. It follows Zac as he fights in the local underground fighting ring in order to keep his family together. He’s struggling with the weight of the world on his young shoulders and Evie, being the oldest of five children and a natural nurturer, senses a need inside him that she feels compelled to explore. They have a romantic connection that goes back years, but this is the first time they’ve seen each other at the same time. Their attraction is undeniable, but it comes at a bad time for Zac. Keeping his family is more important than dating, but when you feel like you need a certain person in your life just to breathe, staying away isn’t exactly easy.
Why do I want to read it? If you’re a Drawn Series fan, you’ll want to read it just to see Damien and Etta in their life after Redemption. And if you’ve never read the Drawn Series before, you’ll want to read it just to witness a beautiful story about the importance of family and the sharing of burdens. It’s about trust and commitment and growing up enough to realise that sometimes, letting go is the best thing you’ll ever do. 
Convinced? You can purchase Drawn to Fight: Zac & Evie from iBooks,AmazonBarnes & Noble and, Kobo.
Not convinced? Read on, check out the blurb and read the excerpt. You might just find your next favorite read…
Drawn to fight small


New Adult romance, for 18+ only due to sexual content and adult themes. Can be read as a standalone.
Drawn to Fight begins a new series in the world of the Drawn Series, following Redemption and featuring, Damien and Etta’s daughter, Evie, in her own coming of age drama filled with angst, love, passion, need, and a healthy dose of obsession.
Zac Rivers. A boy no one wanted to know. Always angry. Always fighting his way in and out of trouble. It was no surprise when he was expelled from school and never heard from again.Until now.I found him at the Londonderry Brawl, and I watched him fight like an animal. Strong. Controlled. But desperate. I sensed in him a purpose – a need to win – and I wanted to know what was so important to him. The way he fought was mesmerising, and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Then, it was over, he’d won and I needed to leave.
He didn’t want me to.
When his lips met mine, somehow, he stole my heart, and in that moment, I knew my world was forever changed. I needed to know this boy. I needed to discover all there was to know about him or I’d never be able to breathe again. No one thinks we should be together. They say his bad news.
Well, people say I’m bad news too.
Then, as fate would have it, I was forced to introduce him to my most fierce protector. A man whose past is riddled with secrets and mistakes; a man who fought his way from the darkness and into the light; a man called Damien – my father.
My name is Yvonne Rhodes, although, you may prefer to call me Evie. I’m the eldest daughter of Damien and Henrietta Rhodes. Inside me, I have my mother’s sense, and my father’s passion.
This is Zac’s and my story. It’s about needing someone to the point of obsession. It’s about losing control, and finding a way to pick up the pieces when everything seems broken.
And it’s about love. One that’s so strong, nothing can stop it.


“Were you looking for me?” I ask, my heart thudding in my chest as I try to keep my cool.
His smile widens, and I’m sure I see a bit of a blush as he drops his gaze to look at a spot on the floor. “Seeing you is a happy accident, but I’m actually looking for someone else,” he states, lifting his eyes again as he looks around the room.
“I’m the only one in here.”
He nods, seeming distracted as he glances back over his shoulder like he’s trying to decide whether he should stay or just go.
“Listen, I’m um…I’m sorry about the other night. I shouldn’t have done that without asking you. I uh…kind of lost my head a little.”
“It’s OK. I quite liked it,” I smile, feeling my cheeks heat slightly.
“You did?” he asks, like he’s surprised that any girl would ever want to be kissed by him.
“It was a little messy, but yeah, I liked it a lot.”
He steps forward again. “That’s not normal for me. Just so you know. I don’t always go out into the crowd and well, you know.”
“That’s good to hear,” I respond, feeling as though my cheeks are burning hot now as well.
“I haven’t seen you out there before,” he comments, moving closer again. To keep myself from burning up under his gaze, I drop my eyes and set my brush to the side, a nervous feeling rising up in my stomach. I pick up my canvas and move it to the drying area, needing that movement to give me a little control. I’ve never been alone with someone who makes me feel this way before. All the other boys, they were just boys. I never had this…
“That’s a pretty awesome painting. It’s yours?” he asks, his voice right beside me, brushing softly against my ears as he moves to inspect my work. It sends chills down my spine that ripple through my body and tingle out through my skin. Having him next to me is intoxicating, and I have to close my eyes for a moment to keep myself calm.
“It’s not finished.”
His eyes move slowly over the canvas as he takes in every detail. Then they turn to me and seem to do the same, taking in every detail of my face.
“You must really like fighting,” he murmurs, his voice deep and sexy like he’s talking about something so much more intimate.
“Don’t you?” I practically whisper, my voice deciding to leave me when I need it most.
His eyes drop to my mouth and he grins when my tongue slips out and wets them, then his eyes lift to meet mine and my stomach flips. He’s so close. “Yeah. Yeah I like fighting a lot.”
The distance between our mouths becomes infinitesimal, and I feel sure he’s going to kiss me again. I can feel his breath, gently brush over my waiting lips and I part them willingly, my heartbeat and my breathing short and shallow in my anticipation.
The sound of a message alert splits the air between us and causes us both to jerk back as if being caught doing something we weren’t supposed to.
“Shit,” Zac hisses as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his phone.
I take a step back from him, giving myself some distance so I can gather my thoughts and get a bit of control over my emotions. I suddenly feel like I’m about to cry and I keep swallowing down a lump in my throat, feeling ridiculous at the thought of my behaviour. What is wrong with me?
Clearing my throat, I leave him tapping a message on his phone and move back to my station where I pick up my palette and carry it toward the sink to wash off. “So, that person you were looking for, is she about this tall?” I pause my clean up and hold my hand just above my shoulder to indicate. “Long blonde hair and blue eyes – really pretty?”
“Um. Yeah. That’s her.”
“She should be up in the dark room. Mr Sparks took her up there a little over an hour ago.”
“She’s with Sparks?” he spits, his demeanour instantly changing – darkening – as he makes a move for the door.
His reaction surprises me, when just a moment ago it seemed he was about to kiss me and now he’s running off to some other girl. “Who is she? Your girlfriend or something?” That was a really immature thing to say. I know that, but it seemed to fall from my lips before I could think to stop it.
He turns to face me. “What? No. Jesus. You obviously have no recollection of me from before. Meg is my sister.”
“You’re sister? But your surnames…”
“Are different. I know. She’s my half-sister. Same mother. Different fathers.” He seems hurt by the fact that I didn’t remember and my throat tightens and my eyes burn.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…I just…I don’t know how to do this – whateverthis is.” I indicate in the air between us and his expression softens a little at seeing my distress. He steps back toward me then stops and shakes his head like he’s trying to clear his mind. He looks at me, his eyes beseeching and something strange happens. Like this electricity or something. I don’t know what it is. But it’s in the air between us and it feels like I could touch it if I wanted to.
“I don’t know what it is either. I…fuck, I don’t have time for this right now.” He steps back and I step toward him, wanting to say something more but he shakes his head again and walks backward out the door. “I’m sorry. But I need to stop Meg.”
“Stop what?” I call after him

About the Author

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Bestselling Author of the Drawn Series, the Beautiful Series, and the Confidante Trilogy, Lilliana has always loved to read and write, considering it the best form of escapism that the world has to offer. Australian born and bred, she writes New Adult Romance revolving around her authentically Aussie characters as well as a biographical trilogy based on an ex-Sydney sex worker, named Angelien. Lilliana feels that the world should see Australia for more than just it’s outback and tries to show characters in more of a city setting. When she isn’t writing, she wears the hat of ‘wife and mother’ to her husband and four children. Before Lilliana turned to writing, she worked in a variety of industries and studied humanities and communications before transferring to commerce/law at university. Originally from Sydney’s Western suburbs, she currently lives a fairly quiet life in suburban Melbourne.

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Friday, February 6, 2015

Stone Black is a successful businessman who has demons in his closet. He is broken- maybe even beyond repair. He has never been in a successful relationship, because he doesn’t let anyone get close enough.
Anaya Cole has recently come into money and she is looking to invest. Mr. Black offers to help Anaya invest her inheritance So that she can open her abuse center.
Their attraction is overwhelming, but Anaya doesn’t want to want him. After all he’s a man-whore.
Ms. Cole has penetrated my mind and I just can’t seem to get her out of it. I have to have her, so have her I will. If it’s the last goddamn thing I ever do. I will screw her until she can’t walk and I will move on with my life just like I have always done.
Once Anaya tastes the whiskey on his breath, she can’t stop. She craves more, and when her head and her heart collide, she is left with an important decision – walk away or risk being burned?
After all, Whiskey never felt so good.


Stone Black

       A loud Whack erupts as the leather slaps her thighs. Shudders rip through me as he screams, “You dirty fucking whore!” and he brings the belt across her ass, her strangled cries pierce my soul.

Through her tears she begs, “Stop! Please! You’re hurting me.” 

He ignores her requests and hits her again, smack right across her tear streaked face with his open fist. Her body quivers, as he yells once again, “Shut the fuck up!” I anxiously stare as he unzips his fly. Wraps his hands around his dick and shoves it in her face. “Suck my dick you filthy bitch!” She turns her head in disgust intentionally disobeying his request, but he forcefully grips her chin turning her head toward him and shoves his male appendage in her face.

I'm paralyzed with fear, my heart is ponding rapidly against my chest. My hands are uncontrollably shaking and I feel the bile rising in my throat. I have the urge to save my mom, but I can’t will myself to move. I take a chance glancing over at her and she is seated in one of our kitchen chairs with her hands tied behind her back. Her legs are spread wide as he stands between them forcing her to suck his dick. They are unaware of my presence as I cower in the corner of the room. My hands cover my eyes as my body trembles. With each loud noise I peek through my fingers to observe what’s going on.  He grunts loudly as he grabs a fist full of her hair and yanks. She screams causing my to body jump, I want so bad to cry, but I fear they will overhear me. 

He instructs her to stand up, turn around and kneel on the chair. Her right leg is on the floor steadying her and her left foot is propped up in the chair. She leans over the chair spreading her legs wide open. I witness his hand come up then whip forward to slap her ass. She yelps from the sting and he quickly shoves his dick inside of her. She screams from his forcefulness and I watch the tears stream down her faces as she bawls her eyes out.

He pumps into her, smacking her ass sporadically, she yelps when contact is made. I try so hard to ignore it all, to turn away, but for some reason I can’t take my eyes off of them. I listen as her tears are cut off by cries of pleasure, her whimpers turn into moans, and she becomes breathless.

My eyes flash open and I sit strait up in bed. My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest, and I’m covered in sweat. I look around and realize that it’s okay I’m in my apartment. That I was just having another one of my night terror about my childhood. Which consisted of my drunken mother bringing home her abusive johns and low life boyfriends. They would beat the shit out of her, and then fuck her senseless. By the time I turned fifteen, I had witnessed enough sex to fuck like a porn star. The problem being that I started to get off on observing these various men bang my mother. I know it’s disturbing, but I couldn’t control it. Her erotic cries would turn me on and I’d have to service myself to ease the pressure. After a while, that wasn’t enough. I needed something more and I have been chasing after it ever since.

Quote by: Kim Shaw


Editorial Review: “The Sweet Temptation of Whiskey leaves you with a slow burn of need and desire you can’t deny.” ~ Tammie Harms

               Editorial Review: “Whiskey will leave you frisky.”

                    ~ Kim Shaw
               Editorial Review: “The Sweet Temptation of Whiskey will leave you breathless for more.”
~ Karina Sanchez
Hi everyone I just want to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Charlene M. Martin and I am the author of Unexpected series. Unexpected Love was released May 2013 and Unexpected Destiny (book 2) was released Jan. 1, 2014. I am not sure of a release date for the third and final book, but I will let you all know when I get close. Feel free to contact me at my links below as I look forward to spending more time with you all. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. Thanks for your support.

I am a small town girl, I currently reside in the same city that I was born and raised in. I love watching teen drama shows, reading, writing, and listening to music.
I have a loving family my mother who has taught me about love and lasting relationships. A father who pushes me to excel and succeed at anything I desire.  My younger sister and I have become very close over the years and she is very supportive of everything I do.
I have been married for nine years to my best friend. I love my husband more than anything. He is so kind, loving and supportive. He likes to joke with his friends that, “My wife writes porn.”
We have an eleven-year-old daughter who is so smart and talented. I can’t believe how fast they grow up.  She is turning into quite the young lady.  She aspires to be so many things and I encourage them all. She loves to write songs and has even tried her hand at writing a book. Maybe one day she will follow my example.
Being that I am from a small town, I have made some long lasting relationships. I have two best friends that I have known for most of my life. We have continued to stick together over the years and we are always there for one another. I couldn’t imagine my life without them.
Animal lover I am not, but I have a headstrong dog that is the absolute best-behaved dog I have ever seen and a cat that drive me insane, but I love her nonetheless.
I have always aspired to be a neonatal nurse and I continue to work towards that goal. Maybe one day it will come true. However, writing has become my new favorite love.
I never would have dreamed that I would become a writer, but some really great people convinced me otherwise.  Eventually I decided to give it a try and what do you know? I just finished writing my second book and I couldn’t be happier. I will continue to write in my spare time with hopes of it becoming a full time career at some point in my life.
So take note, I am just a small town girl trying to bring light to your darkness, anything is possible if you work hard at it. So hold your head high, get out there, and do what you love.
Unexpected Love Links


Unexpected Destiny Links